He made me cry tonight

I was on my laptop trying to write something for my blog when he called my name. I was still walking towards him when he said I want you to read the lyrics of this song. And I did….. And it made me cry like a baby. I don’t usually cry when I listen to songs except when it’s one of those ’emotional’ days but that song got me, straight in the heart that there was  no way to stop those tears from falling from my eyes.

(excerpt from the song)

“We live on a mountain

right at the top

there’s a beautiful view

from the top of the mountain

every morning I walk towards the edge

and throw little things off


car-parts, bottles and cutlery

or whatever I find lying around

it’s become a habit

a way

to start the day

I go through this

before you wake up

so I can feel happier

to be safe up here with you”.

Lyrics ~ Björk

We looked at each other after the song ended and just cried our heart out. The song got us both when we least expected it. But it felt good. It felt good to just comfortably cry in front of the person you love the most in this world; no fear, no shame, just love. It feels good to be with him 24 hours 7 days a week because we get to learn new things from each other every day and we get to do things that most couples don’t do on a regular basis. We both feel blessed that we have all this time together. I wish every couple was this way so they too could experience this kind of love. Though I know that there are couples out there who truly love each other even without the luxury of spending 24/7 together like we do but it’s still not the same to be with your husband every minute of every day. I’ve heard people say over the years long before I got married that they don’t want to be stuck with their partners all the time because it could get really boring at some point. I don’t remember who those people were but all I know is they were all wrong. I’m living it and it’s not boring…at all. Instead, I am very happy to have this. I can guarantee them that I wouldn’t trade this for anything or for any amount of money. They shouldn’t say something they don’t know anything about.

It doesn’t matter if people agree with me or not but I know what it means.